Monday 9 November 2009

Poster Brainstorming

Before developing our poster we first thought of the themes, messages and genres of our film so we could potray the right message to the target audience through our poster.
Themes: lonliness, child abuse, friendship, innocence
Messages:To raise awareness of child abuse and the fact that any one you know could be a victim.
Feelings Evoked: sadness, sympathy, confusion, happiness
Genre: drama

The following is a poster idea we came up with and the feedback we recieved.

  • The main colours are blue and bright colours. These do not conot what the themes of the film are.
  • The paper in the back of the title and the kid handwriting goes well with the storyline.The main objects are the main character, playground, & title.
  • There are no visual messages
  • Seems more like a poster for a kids audience: wrong target
  • No persuasive techniques
  • Looks too happy.

We came up with a brief to help us develop ideas into actual posters. We thought that a fist would be very effective to have as a focus of the background of the film. Withing the fist there would be different screenshots from the film to make it clear that the girl is the main character in the movie. Here are some examples we came up with:

We decided to stick with the fist idea as potrayed in the last poster. However this would be improved by makingt the fist more visible with the pictures on top of it. We received feedback stating that the black background is very effective and sticks with the over all mood of the film. The title of that fits the story/poster the most is of a kids handwriting with a lined paper in the background. This sticks to the storyline of her writing the story about a monster.

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