Monday 9 November 2009


Whilst we have been editing, we have been getting feedback from our class mates in order to improve our edits and overall film. The following is feedback for scene 1:
Scene one – Initial Feedback

- The pan of the monster mask is too long.
- Use cut away shots go from the classroom to girls then classroom to girls again this makes the scene less boring and allows the audience to see what is happening in both situations.
- The hand held shot of the girls walking is too long and needs to be shortened otherwise becomes boring, this much attention to them walking to school is not needed we have already established that they are late.
- The hand held shot of girls needs to be cut down try cutting into the classroom.
- The back of the classroom shot is too long and needs shortening.
- There are too many back and fourth of the same shots.
- The track needs to start from another classroom pupil then needs to go to Lilly’s character.
- Flip the scene around so it goes teacher, Lilly, track.

Scene One – Feedback Two

- Jumps from the mid shot of Lilly to the track of the classroom this needs to be changed.
- Some of the sounds need to be fixed with in the scene as they are too slow for the image.
- The children looking at Lilly a good shot whilst she comes in.
- The clock shot is too long and does not pay attention to the fact that they are late.
- Prefer the pan from the clock
- Likes how the kids have a look at the teacher.

Scene One – Feedback Three

- Need to decide on the pace of our film because at the moment the pace is not established as it goes from fast to slow – fast to slow.
- Why is the character so fast when the pace of the classroom is so slow and nothings going on, it seems like there is too much attention on the girls walking than what is going on in the classroom.
- The girl sits down too fast, needs to be slowed down.
- Is this the best way to show a girl walking to school?
- The hand held shot makes the story seem like an action film try using a normal shot of the girls and cut away to the classroom, continue using cut away shots as the girl progress.

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