Monday 2 November 2009

Film Poster Analysis

500 Days of Summer film posters:

The first film poster was I believe the least popular one of the rest. It has a very simplistic message that portrays the theme of the film-being love through the text and the image. It automatically allows you to understand that the story will be about the girl and the guy pictured. Even though the picture of the girl is much bigger than the one of the male, you can understand that the film is from his point of view. You see him writing something in his notebook. The quote 'This is not a love story. It is a story about love." is suggested to be written by him because it is hand written and not in text. By him being so small- it may suggest that he is insignificant somehow in the girl's mind. From just viewing the poster, it would be hard to understand the meaning behind the title. The 500 days of summer may be interpreted as the season of summer. Before viewing the movie, and just watching the trailer it became apparent that the summer they are referring to in the title is the girl.-Her name being Summer. I believe this poster does a good job of relating to the target audience. It has light colors with friendly pictures. It is easily identifiable that it is a love story. Overall it is a simple and creative poster.

I believe this is a very creative poster idea. It still is consistent with the other two when it comes to colors & theme, however its unique in its own way. You can automatically assume that the main characted in this film will be the guy pictured there looking down at the different pictures from the film. It's as though he is wearing the poster on his T-Shirt. This poster also imcoporates a quote from an outside source. It is also rated 4 stars by the same source who gave the quote. Unless you look extremely close up it is hard to tell who the source is-the main focus is the actual postive quote which leads viewers to believe that this comedy is the coolest of the year. By looking at the 7 pictures on the shirt the viewer can assume it is a love story because the pictures include a girl and a guy looking in love- kissing in some. He is smiling, which is another indication that this film is happy. It is an effective film poster which targets the audience directly with friendliness and love appeal.

This seems to be the most time consuming poster to make. It is a mash up of many pictures of Summer from the film. The main boy character is once again seen drawing/writing as in the first poster.This helps relate the posters to one another. The drawings of buildings become apparent after seeing the movie because he is an aspiring architect. The mash up of pictures are made to looks like a sky and the sun in the middle- once again tying in the summer theme. The quote about love is seen just like in the first poster to keep the theme apparent. Once again the friendly colors and soft, handwriten text makes the movie seem fresh, friendly and loving.

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