Monday 16 November 2009

Addition to Script

After watching our film with the voice over we had recorded and added we received feedback telling us that the lack of voice over was too much in between shots and scenes, so we got our cast member back in again to record a longer version, which then improved our final product.

There are not many things that I am scared of there are actually many things I enjoy, like swinging on the swings, and going round on the Mary go round, I love my friends Emily and Zoey and I know they love me too, we have so much fun.

We love going to the park, and lying in the grass, we could laugh all day long. I love going to the park its better than going home.

I’m scared of spiders I’m not even scared of ghost, even when my friends leave me I’m still not scared. The only thing that frightens me is a monster.

The monster I know isn’t like any other monster. He doesn’t live in my closet or under my bed.

He doesn’t only come out at night. I don’t really understand because I love him; He says he loves me. We still have fun too.
But playing hide and seek isn’t the same as before.

Because these days, if I lose the game, I lose sleep that night too.

I don’t know what to do, I’m so lonely sometimes

I know everything will be okay and the fear will go away,
Besides, the monster only comes out when the bottle is out.
But I’d still like to know why does he treat me so?

I’ll never be mad but I know there should be love & comfort at home.”

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