Friday 27 November 2009

Initial Posters-Draft

This is the first draft of the poster for Monster. Some of the feedback we recieved was that it looked too much like a boxing movie and did not potray the real meaning/themes of the film. It showed no link to the girl's happy side in the film. Also by looking at it, it was too easy to desipher that the film has something to do with hitting, or child abuse.
Here is the 2nd draft of this poster:

In this poster I tried to show the happy side of Lilly's life By adding in a picture of her and the girls on the round-about as well as a background image of a tree shadow. However the feedback did not compeltely change, as the poster still
was not to its fullest extent when it came to potraying the film. Some positive feedback was the handwriting title-as this showed that the film was about a child- as well as that it had something to do with writing because the background was an image of a sheet of paper.

Poster Scrapbook

Monday 16 November 2009

Child Abuse Posters

This is a short list of poster which I collected to get inspiration for our poster. The listed posters all have a theme of child abuse in them-since this is our main theme, I thought it would be a great idea to contrast the way each of these posters has portrayed child abuse through the images/text. From looking at any of those posters, it is very difficult to tell that child abuse is present in the film. This could be for a surprise affect-so the story line isn't too obvious from just looking at the poster. They also all seemed to have some sort of mash-up of character pictures from the film.

Addition to Script

After watching our film with the voice over we had recorded and added we received feedback telling us that the lack of voice over was too much in between shots and scenes, so we got our cast member back in again to record a longer version, which then improved our final product.

There are not many things that I am scared of there are actually many things I enjoy, like swinging on the swings, and going round on the Mary go round, I love my friends Emily and Zoey and I know they love me too, we have so much fun.

We love going to the park, and lying in the grass, we could laugh all day long. I love going to the park its better than going home.

I’m scared of spiders I’m not even scared of ghost, even when my friends leave me I’m still not scared. The only thing that frightens me is a monster.

The monster I know isn’t like any other monster. He doesn’t live in my closet or under my bed.

He doesn’t only come out at night. I don’t really understand because I love him; He says he loves me. We still have fun too.
But playing hide and seek isn’t the same as before.

Because these days, if I lose the game, I lose sleep that night too.

I don’t know what to do, I’m so lonely sometimes

I know everything will be okay and the fear will go away,
Besides, the monster only comes out when the bottle is out.
But I’d still like to know why does he treat me so?

I’ll never be mad but I know there should be love & comfort at home.”

Final Film Feedback

  • The narrative seems to go on for a while- and perhaps what she was saying could have been made more interesting. -I believe this is true as well because we added extra bits to the script last minute, which means it wasn't up to standard with the majority of the original script.
  • The last shot wasn't completely clear of what was going on. The only way they knew what was happening is due to the "Daddy, no"
  • The park scenes were very emotional.
  • The twist in the story was interesting
  • The hide and seek scene was nicely done.
  • The title sequence works well with the music

Scene 2 & 3 Editing Feedback

Scene 2
  • Continuity and match on action was well done
  • The track with off screen dialogue of the teacher saying good morning was good
  • Shots from the front of the teacher are missing-no POV?
  • Overused tracks- they're supposed to symbolize a meaning and we have used them so much where it does not mean anything anymore.
  • The walking scene at the beginning looks too much like a chick flick type movie. It sets the mood the wrong way, either slow down or use different shots.
Scene 3

  • The tilt from the pond to the girls laying in the grass is extemely long
  • The white distilled fade affect is useless
  • Go back to the classroom more to remind audience what is happening
  • More dialogue! Use enough to cover the entire sequence
  • The sounds of the girls laughing gives a good affect. (We thought of completely cutting out the sounds of the park but we got more than one feedback that the sound of the girls laughing is affective and sweet.)

Monday 9 November 2009

Poster Brainstorming

Before developing our poster we first thought of the themes, messages and genres of our film so we could potray the right message to the target audience through our poster.
Themes: lonliness, child abuse, friendship, innocence
Messages:To raise awareness of child abuse and the fact that any one you know could be a victim.
Feelings Evoked: sadness, sympathy, confusion, happiness
Genre: drama

The following is a poster idea we came up with and the feedback we recieved.

  • The main colours are blue and bright colours. These do not conot what the themes of the film are.
  • The paper in the back of the title and the kid handwriting goes well with the storyline.The main objects are the main character, playground, & title.
  • There are no visual messages
  • Seems more like a poster for a kids audience: wrong target
  • No persuasive techniques
  • Looks too happy.

We came up with a brief to help us develop ideas into actual posters. We thought that a fist would be very effective to have as a focus of the background of the film. Withing the fist there would be different screenshots from the film to make it clear that the girl is the main character in the movie. Here are some examples we came up with:

We decided to stick with the fist idea as potrayed in the last poster. However this would be improved by makingt the fist more visible with the pictures on top of it. We received feedback stating that the black background is very effective and sticks with the over all mood of the film. The title of that fits the story/poster the most is of a kids handwriting with a lined paper in the background. This sticks to the storyline of her writing the story about a monster.


Whilst we have been editing, we have been getting feedback from our class mates in order to improve our edits and overall film. The following is feedback for scene 1:
Scene one – Initial Feedback

- The pan of the monster mask is too long.
- Use cut away shots go from the classroom to girls then classroom to girls again this makes the scene less boring and allows the audience to see what is happening in both situations.
- The hand held shot of the girls walking is too long and needs to be shortened otherwise becomes boring, this much attention to them walking to school is not needed we have already established that they are late.
- The hand held shot of girls needs to be cut down try cutting into the classroom.
- The back of the classroom shot is too long and needs shortening.
- There are too many back and fourth of the same shots.
- The track needs to start from another classroom pupil then needs to go to Lilly’s character.
- Flip the scene around so it goes teacher, Lilly, track.

Scene One – Feedback Two

- Jumps from the mid shot of Lilly to the track of the classroom this needs to be changed.
- Some of the sounds need to be fixed with in the scene as they are too slow for the image.
- The children looking at Lilly a good shot whilst she comes in.
- The clock shot is too long and does not pay attention to the fact that they are late.
- Prefer the pan from the clock
- Likes how the kids have a look at the teacher.

Scene One – Feedback Three

- Need to decide on the pace of our film because at the moment the pace is not established as it goes from fast to slow – fast to slow.
- Why is the character so fast when the pace of the classroom is so slow and nothings going on, it seems like there is too much attention on the girls walking than what is going on in the classroom.
- The girl sits down too fast, needs to be slowed down.
- Is this the best way to show a girl walking to school?
- The hand held shot makes the story seem like an action film try using a normal shot of the girls and cut away to the classroom, continue using cut away shots as the girl progress.

Monday 2 November 2009

Film Poster Analysis

500 Days of Summer film posters:

The first film poster was I believe the least popular one of the rest. It has a very simplistic message that portrays the theme of the film-being love through the text and the image. It automatically allows you to understand that the story will be about the girl and the guy pictured. Even though the picture of the girl is much bigger than the one of the male, you can understand that the film is from his point of view. You see him writing something in his notebook. The quote 'This is not a love story. It is a story about love." is suggested to be written by him because it is hand written and not in text. By him being so small- it may suggest that he is insignificant somehow in the girl's mind. From just viewing the poster, it would be hard to understand the meaning behind the title. The 500 days of summer may be interpreted as the season of summer. Before viewing the movie, and just watching the trailer it became apparent that the summer they are referring to in the title is the girl.-Her name being Summer. I believe this poster does a good job of relating to the target audience. It has light colors with friendly pictures. It is easily identifiable that it is a love story. Overall it is a simple and creative poster.

I believe this is a very creative poster idea. It still is consistent with the other two when it comes to colors & theme, however its unique in its own way. You can automatically assume that the main characted in this film will be the guy pictured there looking down at the different pictures from the film. It's as though he is wearing the poster on his T-Shirt. This poster also imcoporates a quote from an outside source. It is also rated 4 stars by the same source who gave the quote. Unless you look extremely close up it is hard to tell who the source is-the main focus is the actual postive quote which leads viewers to believe that this comedy is the coolest of the year. By looking at the 7 pictures on the shirt the viewer can assume it is a love story because the pictures include a girl and a guy looking in love- kissing in some. He is smiling, which is another indication that this film is happy. It is an effective film poster which targets the audience directly with friendliness and love appeal.

This seems to be the most time consuming poster to make. It is a mash up of many pictures of Summer from the film. The main boy character is once again seen drawing/writing as in the first poster.This helps relate the posters to one another. The drawings of buildings become apparent after seeing the movie because he is an aspiring architect. The mash up of pictures are made to looks like a sky and the sun in the middle- once again tying in the summer theme. The quote about love is seen just like in the first poster to keep the theme apparent. Once again the friendly colors and soft, handwriten text makes the movie seem fresh, friendly and loving.