Wednesday 23 September 2009


This is the feedback from our second pitch.

  • People thought the way we pitched the story made it seem very touching.
  • Very effective & unexpected yet simple and makes much more sense than the original idea.
  • The following NSPCC is helpful for inspiration & ideas

    I believe this advert is very informational when it comes to abused children. It allows us to connect to this child who is not present with the mare clip of a bouncing ball. This allows us to understand just how important little things are to abused children. From a more technical point of view, this advert allows us to learn from its minimalist use of shots and the powerful affect of just dialogue. (Which is something we'll have to do as the narrative of the girl's essay make the entire film. We need to choose the right words to give the right feeling or else the whole story will be off.)
  • One of the most important things is that we make our film with passion from our hearts.
  • Keeping the main character sweet will make the story more endearing.
  • An excellent & simple story.
  • How are we going to get the dad to slap/hit her?
The shot will be more disguised and therefore will not need a full on punch. If we just shoot a p.o.v. shot from the girl onto a man coming at her and 'hitting' her, I believe it will be effective. His face also does not need to be shown, therefore finding any male actor would be easier rather than an older man.
  • How are we going to find a woman to play the part?
The first step we'll take is emailing all the drama teachers in the school and ask if they would like to volunteer. I think they would be perfect because they already have experience/expertise in the acting field. If no teachers are willing to volunteer, we will resort to using a 6th former that looks old for their age. By altering his/her clothes we can make him/her look even older.

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