Tuesday 22 September 2009

Character Profiles for Red Rose Killer

The following are character profiles for the Red Rose Killer story:

Red Rose Killer
Present: The character is elderly in his late fifties, early sixties. His voice is husky and faint because the character is on his death bed suffering from a fatal illness. The character is uncomfortable in his surroundings and constantly paranoid. His costume consists of a robe, rosary beads, old makeup and a grey wig.
Past: The character is young, aggressive and twisted who had become detached from reality because his wife committed adultery with a close work friend. He now is hurt and wants revenge to stop any other men from experiencing the same pain he has. The characters costume consists of long black coat with a red rose placed in the pocket and black trousers.

Sister Deborah
A female character around the age of forty she has lost her older sister who died suddenly with no explanation, she should be caring for her sister and is defensive and anxious whenever her sister is mentioned. Her costume consists of casual clothing including a jacket and handbag.

News Reporter
News Reporter around the age of eighteen to twenty can be either male or female and have a strong clear English accent. The character is required to wear a smart suit jacket and shirt.

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