Sunday 27 September 2009

Collage Feedback & Second Collage

The collage helped us put our ideas onto pictures for everyone else to see and imagine. The first collage helped us to improve our treatment because there was some confusion that arose due to the collage. Some people imagined the park to be a happy place where Lilly can get away and escape. So by having a black & white swing set in the collage, there was confusion whether that place was sad or happy. Therefore we decided to bring in a couple of Lilly's friends into the movie. They would start out with her in the park being happy and playing together. However as the narration of the story goes on, the friends start to leave, and it is noticed that Lilly sticks around. That is when the realization occurs of the reason of Lilly being in the park.

I believe the following collage of "the World of Our Film" is a better representation of the themes and ideas that we plan to include in our film. All the pictures are not just about child abuse, as the story also explores Lilly's childhood of school and friends.

1 Thoughts:

Barking Abbey Media Department said...

more effective collage. cannot see your script anywhere? have some time now to feedback. let me know

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