Wednesday 2 December 2009

New Poster-Draft

I decided to make an entirely new poster because the feedback we received for the last poster did not seem like it would be a useful poster to put forth as our final poster. Also, every time I tried changing anything on the old poster it would all end up looking more or less the same. I believe it was more useful to just go with a whole new idea. This is the new poster idea draft one. It shows the happy side of the girl because she is with her friends on the round about, however there is something mysterious and chilling about it due to the cracked door in the back of the black background. The tree in the foreground suggests the presence of nature in the film-which is the park. The leaves from the tree are being dragged towards the door- which also signifies the mystery of the door. Overall, the door suggests a hidden meaning of child abuse. –However it is not as obvious as in the previous poster where the fist took up the entire page. We received very positive feedback from this poster such as it looking as an actual poster-the tree with the leaves looked very nice and had a meaning for the film. The negatives we received would be that the actress’s names aren’t very visible and the picture of the girls needs to be more in the foreground because you lose touch of what is most important in the picture. The door isn’t as visible as it should be either because all of your attention goes straight to the leaves and the tree. Also the actress’s names aren’t very visible in the bottom of the page because they are dark and too similar to the background. Here is the updated version of the poster:

This poster idea came directly from the aggustments due to the feedback that we recieved about the first one.On this poster, I corrected all the little misperfections to make it all once together. I moved the copied and moved the image of the tree onto the other side so it looks more like a border as opposed to just a tree on one side. This allows for the girls to be more centered-hence the center of attention, because we want the viewers to be immediatly drawn to them. I also made the title more bold and prominent because once both trees were combined it was too messey and too difficult to read the title at the top. Another aggustment I made was the color of the cast's names at the bottom of the page. Now they are white and much more easier to see. I recieved very positive feedback stating that this final poster represents our film but does not give too much away at the same time. It's mysterious and interesting- which is one of the best feedback we recieved as that is the way we'd like people to see our film as well.

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