Thursday 3 December 2009

Complete Final 3 Posters

3 Thoughts:

Yasmin Sharif said...

Klaudija, your posters look really good and the leaves work well with your film. I like the way you've got the font as if it's been ripped out of a book it works well with the idea of her writing...

Zak Palmer said...

You could use a slightly larger font or a brighter white to make sure the credits are visible in the first and last posters.

And maybe youy could also put hannah's name in the 3rd poster as i feel there is too big a gap between the title and the images. :)

Demi Martin said...

The developmental stages on these posters is very clear, and I definatly think the first poster is the strongest.
One the second poster I think the leaves need to blow out of the door more freely as they look a bit to set in place. The 2nd poster needs more movement!
I like how the slogan has been moved in the 3rd poster and this is a much stronger composition that before!

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