Monday 5 October 2009

Monster Script Draft 2

We see a shot of three girls hurrying to class (this is noted by the empty halls in the school and the fact that they are carrying books rushing) Right before Lilly goes into her classroom:

Lilly: Bye guys I’ll meet you after school. Same place as always!

Lilly walks into the classroom. Everyone looks at her and the teacher immediately tells her to sit down.

Ms. Harper: (Teacher gets up from her desk where she was busy doing something on the computer) Good morning class! I thought today we would do a fun writing activity.

Class: Awe (whiny, not waning to do it)- Lilly is seen and she does not participate in the whining.

Ms Harper: Now, now kids I mentioned it would be fun, so there is no need to panic. I want you to write about what you are most afraid of. It can be fictional or non-fictional. (A cut to a kid raising his arm, very eagerly) Wait Mathew let me finish then I’ll help you.

I am leaving that for you to decide. Say for example, if I were to write about my worst fear I would write about giant spiders attacking my house! (laughs) Anyway, get started now and you have until the end of the lesson, if you don’t finish it’s homework! (Sounds of the class whining again)

(The focus will start to go towards Lily. Due to an over the shoulder shot, we can start to see what she is writing. Her first written words are “I don’t have many things I’m scared of. There are actually many things I enjoy. (In the midst of that sentence the narration starts and there is a slow fade to three girls playing the park on swings, they are laughing and playing but the voice over covers up the sound from the park) There is a fade back to the classroom of Lilly writing.

Lilly(V.O. narration):” I’m not scared of spiders. I’m not even scared of ghosts. The only thing that frightens me in this world is a monster. (There is fade to Lilly walking along a fence and dragging the stick along the metal bars.)
The monster I know isn’t like any other monster. He doesn’t live in my closet or under my bed. He doesn’t only come out at night. I don’t really understand because I love him; He says he loves me. We still have fun too. (Fade to Lilly sitting on the ground in the park with her knees to her chest and her eyes covered with her hands. She uncovers her eyes and looks around, but there is no one there)
But playing hide and seek isn’t the same as before. Because these days, if I lose the game, I lose sleep that night too. I know everything will be okay and the fear will go away. (Fade to Lilly laying on the grass with a flower in her hand. She is laying on her back looking up at the flower as well as the sky. There will also be a POV shot of the sky at this point)
Besides, the monster only comes out when the bottle is out. (A fade of Lilly at the park watching an alcohol bottle float by in the pond. )
(We are now back in the classroom scene.)
But I’d still like to know why does he treat me so? I’ll never be mad but I still know there should be comfort at home, not pain from your dad.”

As she finishes writing the essay. She puts down her pen and looks up. She is looking straight at the camera when she shuts her eyes. We then have sudden scenes of the film running backwards in about 5-10 seconds as there is a anticipating sound playing. This leads to a shot of Lilly sitting in her room (with the camera looking in from outside the bedroom door) All of a sudden we see a man walk into the door and suddenly slam the door. (-The last scene will be very discrete and dark, the man will not be fully shown therefore we will not see his face, yet everything comes together at this point as it is clear who the monster really is.)

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