Wednesday 7 October 2009

Filming Permit Not Needed

As I still have not received an email back from Geoff Smith, I called him on the phone number that was listed on the city website. I told him everything and the problems of us maybe needing a permit. He said due to this being such a small scale project we do not need a permit. However, we must not interfere with the public and make sure there are no hazards that the public could be injured on. (Such as cables etc.) He said he would still read his email (he has been away from his office on location) and get back to me in writing as well. As soon as I receive the email I will post it on here.

Here is the letter I received back from Geoff Smith;


Thank you for your enquiry.

The general rule is that you can film in any public space as long as it does not cause obstruction or nuisance etc. Filming in the public domain does not require a formal permission.

Of course you must have the permission of any of those taking part to be filmed.

As I am guessing that your crew is small and will not involve large equipment or vehicles I can’t see any issues with your enquiry.

Good luck with your filming.

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